
Plot 6105 Valley Rd, Canaan Sites, Gayaza Nakwero


+256 414 660 733

Litigating Reproductive Justice in Africa (LIRA) Programme



In its strategic plan (2022 – 2032), Ahaki delineated themes that inform its programs of work. Under the Historical, Social and Political Determinants of SRHR (SRHR) theme, Ahaki developed a program of work titled “Litigating Reproductive Justice in Africa (LIRA)“, which is aimed at establishing, strengthening and sustaining a regional network advancing reproductive justice litigation to ensure access to SRHR in Africa. This programme seeks to front the shift from reproductive choice to reproductive justice in advancing SRHR in the region. This will be achieved through, among others, the utilization of national, sub-regional and regional litigation foras. This programme will be implemented in selected countries in three regions including; East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa.

BENEFICIARIES: Judicial Officers, Law Enforcement Officers, Scholars and academia, Vulnerable Groups (Women and Girls), SRHR Service Providers, Human Rights Providers, University Students, African Civil Society Organizations, Lawyers, and Learning Institutions.



The programme has four (4) objectives and these are highlighted below;

  1. To research, document and disseminate positive African narratives on litigating access to SRHR
  2. To enhance capacities of African organizations towards litigating access to SRHR
  3. To identify, support and sustain a network of African experts and individuals advancing reproductive justice
  4. To undertake and support strategic and public interest litigations at domestic, sub-regional and regional level, to advance access to SRHR

To create an environment where Africa embraces reproductive justice through progressive, evidence based and collaborative litigation for access to SRHR.


Abortion Litigation in Africa

Litigating abortion rights on the continent is fraught with difficulty with restrictive legal regimes, political hurdles and hostile social attitudes which would forestall the implementation of any court decisions; the absence of indigenous jurisprudence and failures by judges and lawyers as well as the preference by stakeholders to rely on non-adversarial means to realize progress on what is a hot-button political and socio-cultural issue. This is indeed the reason for the absence of abortion litigation in the Litigating Reproductive Justice in Africa (LIRA) Programme focus countries. Excluding criminal prosecutions and undecided litigation that are a preserve of the state and which rarely if ever are based on human rights, there are only four decided constitutional or civil cases in the six LIRA Programme focus countries.
Programme Implementation Approach

The programme interventions are purposively designed to contribute to the reproductive justice litigation agenda as well as the overall programme goal of creating an environment where Africa embraces reproductive justice through progressive, evidence based and collaborative litigation for access to (SRHR) as indicated below;